The New Era of Call Center Service

The debate surrounding offshore, outsourced contact centers has centered on the elimination of much needed U.S.-based jobs. Despite the resistance of the public, companies completed their moves anyway in an attempt to reduce costs and streamline customer service efforts. While it seemed most were hoping public acceptance of this method of call center outsourcing would eventually follow, this never happened and a new trend is emerging.

As captured in this recent inContact blog, U.S.-based companies are increasingly closing their offshore sites due to low customer acceptance. Interestingly, the issue at stake is not so much that companies were establishing contact centers offshore, but instead their approach to managing those centers. A lack of proper oversight created a bad reputation for contact center outsourcing, regardless of location.

Many outsiders may question how the practice of offshore outsourcing began in the first place, but it really boils down to the bottom line. The problem is that blatant outsourcing lacked quality planning, as well as a poor perception of the role customer service reps play in the overall attempt to drive revenues and produce a profitable business. Those making the decisions in the boardroom really only look at line items costs and not the overall impact of such operational changes that actually result in overall higher costs due to customer churn.

Quality contact center outsourcing requires much more than warm bodies and working phones. It demands the correct use of technology, putting the right people in place and establishing optimal processes to ensure each customer interaction is handled properly. Companies may automatically assume that an on-premise solution is the only way to have complete control over quality processes, yet this model still requires the organization of several different points of command, which can complicate what should be a simple and streamlined process.

inContact provides the perfect conduit for contact center outsourcing as the company provides best-in-class SaaS (News - Alert) call center technology and employs individuals with decades of expertise in the industry. The company also has access to thousands of seats with hundreds of its clients, many of which are outsourcers. Customers leveraging the power of inContact have immediate access to technology, people and processes from one entity to provide optimal leverage to move operations outside its location, without losing control, quality or customers.

With companies like inContact providing key technology and streamlined operations, contact center outsourcing is coming into its own in a whole new way. U.S. businesses can now face the challenge of fiscal growth and customer demand with a single point of interaction that delivers on both internal and external expectations.



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