The Most Critical Three Call Center Metrics
Call centers metrics have some kind of myths and air of questions around them and certainly. We are going to discuss three of the most significant and traditional call center service level metrics.
1) Average Speed of Answer
It is also termed as ASA. The term is referred to the tracking of the time spend by caller on phone for waiting to reach LIVE agent or rather, we should say forced to be on- line waiting to get an answer from a human being whom he could interact with and resolve his queries.
What makes the ASA trumped by Service level is the "X percent in Y seconds" which means ASA is unable to report accurately about the experience of caller trying or waiting to reach an agent. For instance, when we say that ASA time is 40 seconds it does not mean sharp 40 seconds. ASA time could be more or less than 40 seconds. So, while looking for an accurate measurement and performance metrics to know the real time of waiting, we suggest to keep Service level as main and most significant.
2) Abandonment Rate
This is one of the accessibility metric which indicates the percentage of the callers who hung up before their call is reached to an agent. Abandon rates can be determined by ACD or Automatic Call Distributor report.
The formula which is used to calculate Abandonment Rate is:
Total # of calls abandoned ÷ (total # of calls abandoned + total # of calls answered)
It is an important metric and call center outsourcing services providers should track it on regular intervals..
3) Average Handle Time
Average Handle Time (AHT) once ruled and topped the list of call center metrics when the only concern of call center was saving and reducing costs but now when call centers have evolved and customer services have grown to new levels, AHT has lagged behind.
So, to overcome this problem and securing the interest to put quality with the work, call center managers set an acceptable range of AHT and only focus when an agent is continuously falling behind on them which could be because of numbers of problems such as lack of staff, agent compliance to work and lack of skills or knowledge in agents.
In modern call centers, managers make sure that agents are thoroughly trained and receive coaching before they handle calls.
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