The Ten on Ten Tips to Improve Call Center Listening Skills

The call centers are all about services and solutions. The major chunk of services comprises listening patiently about the complaints, feedbacks and requests from customers. Here are ten keynotes to increase the listening capabilities of Inbound or outbound call center agents in no particular order because they all are important to step-up the performance level of a BPO.

1) Focus for Success: Concentrate what your caller is talking about and not on noise or other external distractions.

2) Concentration on Emotions: Is your caller angry, happy or plainly inquisitive? Understand his emotions and you get it all right.

3) Question & Reactions: As an adage goes, "A prudent question is half wisdom." Well framed and pertinent questions can lead to right information.

4) No interruption while explanation: When your caller is saying or telling something, don’t break the chain of his thoughts.

5) Preemption is not preferable: Avoid completing sentences of callers. Let them speak and speak only after they finish.

6) Swap - Recap: After caller has finished saying, it’s always better to tally the details from your caller. This increases the preciseness of your result.

7) A Jot Shot: Try to write down the brief. This will help you in tracking down the result with more ease and accuracy.

8) Say it One More Time: It’s alright if you haven’t understood at first chance. Request him to repeat the information.

9) No Hypes to Stereotypes: Never ever assume. Conventions and assumptions don’t work in BPOs. Don’t expect your consumers to behave in certain way or ask same questions.

10) The Golden Rule: Practice makes a man perfect. Listen to your callers intently. Focus and ignore other noises. Listen more and talk when required. Develop patience while dealing with callers.

These ten tips are crucial and must if you want to achieve excellence in telemarketing or consumer support services.


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