India for Call Center Outsourcing for Onshore Quality, Offshore pricing

The benefits of call center outsourcing from India are defined by the single sentence ie onshore quality, offshore pricing”. Our call center executives are highly optimized and aware of American culture, thus they know the language and also know the culture.

There is no language or cultural difference as their is with call center outsourcing in some other places. For a project with inbound process and outbound calling to the USA - all of our executives will be guys that were aware, most of them have studied - usually college level, in US.

These executives will be capable to instantly connect with your customers without having to go through language and culture training programs or session. The only training we need to do and do in our call center is professional and technical training. We educate in sales and customer service concept to give us the extra benefits and services even when competing with onshore call center outsourcing models.


Indian BPO workforce offers several advantages over their western counter parts both in terms of cost savings (low-cost labour) and availability of resourceful manpower.

back office service

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